Monday, 25 April 2016

It's Time to Focus on Your Goals Today!

Its never late to write about goals. They are useful whenever you decide to start. They don't have to be at the beginning of the year only to be forgotten about on February 14. Every day is a fresh start for you and you can change things on any day any TIME you like. You just have to set realistic ones and to make sure you turn your steps to getting there into good habits. The more you do something the more chance your 'good habit' will stick!
I haven't set any for myself for a long time and I'm getting a bit lost in myself. I thought it would be good to get them down here and force myself to get started. (I've also been doing Helene in Between's 14 day challenge and this was something that came to mind when she said to write a post, ta for the prompt!)


  1. Be a little more adventurous - whether that means meeting new people, cooking new food (and for other people!), getting out and finding new places. Do something adventurous to tell stories about!
  2. Learn a bit more patience - especially when it comes to other people and my babe, I can get easily frustrated and need to be a bit more chilled out and resourceful on how to deal with impatience.
  3. Start up cross-stitch again - I enjoyed doing this a lot when I first picked it up, but dropped it for a bit when I discovered blogging again.
  4. Learn & memorize the 30th chapter of the Qur'aan with translation - I'm hoping to learn the arabic in 2 weeks and the translation is a couple of months.
  5. Get someone to teach me Arabic - online or in person, I don't care so long as I'm doing it. I really think I'm missing out on all the un-translated books out there that are waiting to be read!
  6. Study & memorize the basics of Islam particularly The Three Fundamental Principles.


  1.  Post consistently at least twice a week!
  2. Get my camera out again and start snapping more
  3. Spend more time blogging
  4. Have a schedule for posting & always have something in the queue!
  5. Collaborate with someone (hint hint)
  6. Guest post
  7. Go self-hosted
  8. Get paid for a post

  1. Don't take life too seriously! Laugh at yourself more. Don't hang on to people who aren't returning the favour. Feel, accept & then move on. 

SO having shared all of mine now...

& what advice do you have for me about mine?

Two Tiny Hands


  1. I love lists! You are right, it doesn't have to be a New Year Resolution...You've set yourself quite a challenge! My only bit of advice would be not being discouraged if you don't achieve all of them! Perhaps select a few 'priority ones' or break some down into subsets!! I do that ALL the time so I can tick more off ;)

    1. I like setting myself challenges! I hope to get a bit of a move on as I've allowed myself to get lazy and un-motivated so its time for a kick! Thanks for the advice!

  2. Some good advice and good goals. Thanks for linking up with #KCACOLS. I hope you come back next Sunday.

  3. I absolutely love the book Your Best Year Yet which is excellent to help set goals for the next 12 months! #kcacols

    1. I'll have to check it out, thanks for commenting!

  4. I think I'd like to be a little more adventurous as well-especially in the social world, I'd love to make some new friends! I think you have some great blogging goals-consistency really is key and something that I struggle with as well! Thanks so much for sharing x

    1. Yes, I agree a little adventure of any kind does more good than harm in my book! Consistency isn't my strong suit either, but hopefully this is the kick up the backside that I need! Ta for commenting! x

  5. I love this idea of setting goals at any given time of the year! It's never too late to start!x #KCACOLS

  6. Goal setting is so important to stop you from drifting (unless of course you are happy with drifting!). I'm a real goal and list girl - ideas all over the place! #KCACOL

    1. Yesssss all of the lists!!!! I need lists and organisation in my life because drifting for too long drives me round the bend! Thanks for commenting!

  7. I like your opening paragraph! I definitely should set myself some goals. Thanks for the advice :) Thanks so much for linking up with #KCACOLS. Hope you return next week :)

    1. Thank you! I hope you stick at whatever you decide to do and let me know how it goes. Thanks so much for commenting!

  8. Some great goals here - always good to get them down so you can really motivate yourself.I keep meaning to have a proper blogging schedule and like to have posts scheduled in advance but it just hardly ever happens! lol #KCACOLS

    1. At the moment my scheduling is going rubbish as I only had one in the queue and now I have none because I've been so darn busy and sajhfoaifh! I'm going to get a handle on it, I'm being determined lol! Ta for commenting!

    2. I love your goals! I am alwyas changing my goals because I seriously find a new hbby or idea for what I want to do with anything I find. However I too want to go self hosted and get paid to blog. I also want to do more contributing...hint, hint, wink, wink.#KCAKOLS

    3. Thank you! So do I, it's such a bad habit to have! x

  9. Oooooh, that sounds like a great idea!! Yes, I did take your advice and plan to do a series now called What's Cooking Thursday. :) It is great to have targets - especially after being so relaxed for ages. Very true too, as long as it gets accomplished at some point it doesn't have to be the end of the world if it isn't in the desired time! Thanks for commenting! x

  10. Love your goals and Helen in Between :) I have goals as well, building my email list, payment would be a nice bonus before December...My advice is to go for it. Believe in yourself, and set realistic goals. Having something in que is interesting, I don't post twice a week. Blogging, homeschooling and working is just a bit overwhelming at the moment, so good for you! #KCACOLS

    1. Aw thank you! I hope you get on to your goals too and thanks for the advice. Everyone needs a bit of advice! You're super busy so I don't think anyone would blame you for not posting more than once. I hope you're going good at it!

  11. Great goals! I did my list of goals in January but you are right you don't have to start at the beginning of the year as long you start some day is what it counts. I keep having new goals all the time though and I don't think I have achieved the ones written down yet lol. I hope I will be able tick off some of them soon. It will feel great if I have achieved at least one!! Good luck with your goals. Thanks so much for sharing this at #KCACOLS. Hope to see you again tomorrow, :-) xx

    1. Lol, I know what that's like always making plans and aspirations to do a whole load of things that you forget about the ones you were supposed to be doing in the first place!! Too many things to get excited about really, isn't there?
      Thank you for commenting and see you again! x
