Monday, 14 December 2015

Life Update #1

Days like today are special because its a day where I can say that it was a really good one and at the end of the night I might not be feeling a 100% in body but I'm feeling it at mind and that's most important.

There's a lot of days more than I would like to admit that I dont feel good at all. I'm tired and cranky and I'm just not enjoying life. It's the kind of tired where I could have 10 years of sleep and I would still feel abssolutely awful still. It's a state of mind I don't always have control of, but today I'm putting it all behind me.

I feel great today. I missed my baby and I played with her and I had a good day with her and I was sad when it was bed time because I wanted to spend more time with her. These days dont come often and they're not always perfect. I could have been a lot more productive than I was and I wanted to be more productive but that's okay. I felt really good today it was a really good day in a sea of bad weeks.

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